Adapted Physical Education and Usual Physical Education


Phys ed is an important part of the education system, providing students with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities to participate in physical activity and maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are two main types of physical education: adapted physical education and regular physical education. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two types of physical education and why they are important.

Adapted Physical Education Specialists 

What is Adapted Physical Education?

Another word for APE is Adaptive Physical Education. The definition of Adaptive physical education (APE) is designed for students with disabilities who require special modifications or accommodations to participate in PE classes. APE programs are tailored to meet the individual needs and abilities of students, taking into account their disabilities and physical limitations.

What is the role of the Adapted Physical Education Teacher?

The role of the adaptive physical education (APE) teacher is to provide students with disabilities with the opportunity to participate in physical activity and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

It is crucial for APE teachers to ensure that students with disabilities receive physical education tailored to their specific needs and abilities. These teachers have an important responsibility to provide adapted physical education that meets the unique requirements of these students.

The Specific Responsibilities of the APE teacher may include:

  1. Assessing the physical abilities and needs of students with disabilities, and developing individualized phys ed plans to meet their needs.
  2. Modifying phys ed activities and exercises to ensure that they are accessible and safe for students with disabilities.
  3. Teaching phys ed skills, games, and sports to students with disabilities, and adapting instruction as needed.
  4. Monitoring the progress of students with disabilities, and modifying phys ed plans as needed to ensure that students are making progress and achieving their goals.
  5. Collaborating with other teachers, therapists, and healthcare providers to provide students with a comprehensive program of care and support.
  6. Educating students, families, and the community about phys ed for students with disabilities and the benefits of physical activity for people with disabilities.
  7. Encouraging students with disabilities to participate in physical activity and promote an active and healthy lifestyle.

Adaptive Physical Education Certification

To become certified adaptive physical education specialists, an individual typically needs to meet certain educational and professional requirements. 

Below is the list of the following requirements:

Educational Requirements:

A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in PE, kinesiology, or a related field is usually required. Some programs may also require additional coursework in special education or APE.

Professional Experience:

Most certification programs require applicants to have a certain amount of professional experience working with individuals with disabilities. The amount of experience required may vary depending on the program.

Certification Exam:

Applicants must pass a certification exam that tests their knowledge and understanding of APE principles and practices.

Continuing Education:

Once certified, individuals are typically required to complete continuing education credits to maintain their certification.

What is Usual Physical Education?

Usual (PE) is designed for students who do not require special modifications or accommodations to participate in phys ed classes. PE programs are typically delivered to students in a group setting and involve a combination of physical activity, games, and sports, as well as education on health, nutrition, and fitness.

What is the role of the Usual Physical Education Teacher?

APE teacher is responsible for planning and teaching physical fitness and physical activity lessons to students. They design activities and exercises that promote physical health and wellness and also teach proper techniques and safety measures.

Additionally, a PE teacher may also be responsible for supervising students during physical activity, monitoring their progress, and offering feedback to help improve their performance. They may also involve in organizing sports teams, coaching and encouraging students to participate in physical activity outside of school.

Benefits of Adapted Physical Education vs. Usual Physical Education

Provides students with disabilities with the opportunity to participate in physical activityProvides students without disabilities with the opportunity to participate in physical activity
Improve coordination, physical fitness, and motor skillsImprove coordination, physical fitness, and motor skills
Can foster positive relationships and self-esteemCan foster positive relationships and self-esteem
Encourages physical activity and healthy habits among students with disabilitiesEncourages physical activity and healthy habits among students without disabilities
Provides a customized approach to PE that takes into account individual needs and abilitiesProvides a more general approach to PE for a wider range of students

Differences between Adapted Physical Education and Regular Physical Education

Designed for students with disabilitiesDesigned for students without disabilities
Includes modifications and accommodations to meet individual needs and abilitiesDoes not typically include modifications or accommodations
More individualized approach to physical activityMore group-based approach to physical activity
Emphasizes the unique needs and abilities of students with disabilitiesDoes not take into account the unique needs and abilities of students

Why are Both Adapted Physical Education and Regular Physical Education Important?

APE and PE are both important in helping students develop healthy lifestyles. Both activities have the potential to teach important skills and promote strong relationships among students, regardless of ability level. PE shows to improve physical health, coordination, and motor skills.

At the same time, APE can help students with disabilities to develop the same skills in a safe and inclusive environment. Additionally, both activities can create positive self-esteem and allow students to form meaningful friendships with their peers.

With proper instruction and support, PE and APE can help students better understand their physicality, build valuable life skills, and develop lifelong healthy habits.


APE and regular phys ed have distinct differences, with APE being designed for students with disabilities and including modifications and accommodations to meet their individual needs and abilities, while PE is designed for students without disabilities and takes a more group-based approach to physical activity. Both types of phys ed are important in promoting physical fitness and healthy habits among students.

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